Renovation of a Marine Outlet at the Reading Pumping Station |Tel Aviv


A design & build project with a scope of approx. NIS 53 million, which includes the construction of a unique overflow facility for water discharge as part of the renovation of the marine outlet for the Reading Pumping Station in Tel Aviv. The goal of the project is to remove contaminated sewage and water from the Reading Pumping Station to a distance of about one kilometer from the coastal strip, in order to prevent the pollution of nearby beaches in Tel Aviv and the surrounding area. The project was carried out in accordance with international environmental standards
  • Client: Dan Cities Association
  • Budget: NIS 53 million
  • Description:

    Construction of an initial shaft to a depth of 14 meters near the coastline.
    Pipe jacking to lay sealed concrete pipes in the depths of the sea, with an internal diameter of 1,600mm along a length of 550 meters and at a depth of 14 meters below sea level.
    Installation of a 400m polyethylene pipe imported from Norway as a single unit, placing it, and connecting it to concrete pipes in a 180-ton concrete trench, measuring 8x6 meters, using special GRP pipes. The concrete trench was used both to connect the lines and as a shaft in order to access and extract the drilling machine.
    The total length of the pipe is approx. 1km into the sea.


    The project included complex underwater works, requiring a combination of ships and professional divers to transport the pipeline, its installation by means of unique concrete weights, and the implementation of complex marine works.

Project in cooperation with: